Monday, March 1, 2010

Hip Hop, Mass Media and 21 Century Colonization. Dr Jared Bell's

Things I understood.
I liked this reading it was about Hip Hop, Mass Media and 21 Century Colonization. Dr Jared Bell's address Hip Hop and how to him it has become colonized. Bell argues, “Like mass media and popular culture, hip-hop too is often removed from its proper context as the cultural expression of a domestically-held internal colony otherwise known as Black America”. Black culture is a culture of creativity, of intelligent, athletic, successful and economically strong people. It is a culture of overcoming all obstacles. Rap music is an example of black cultural production. I agree that Rap music is linked to black culture, because when rappers write their songs they are telling stories, stories of how is it to live their lives, a black urban life. By taking on the identity of the observer or narrator, rappers use rap as a way of expressing themselves, their way of life, their style and culture, and their reality to contemporary America. That makes rap an expression, Like rapper Jay-z said in the song “come and get it”, “I brought the suburbs to the hood, made them relate to our struggle”; by all theses cultures watching, and adopting black culture, the hip hop style and the way of life becomes not only a black culture, but a culture that is reflected in many cultures. With that said, Do I feel like hip hop is the reason why we are having shooting in schools?, or the reason why black women or women in general are being looked down upon. NO NOT AT ALL!! I feel like in every art or expression there will be violence and arguer, and why is it we don’t hear about the other forms of expressions the reflect on violence. For example opera, like Michael Dyson said it is about murder and insets. In every art form there will be great things and will be things not worth listening to. I just don’t think it’s fair to generalize hip hop, when this problem goes a lot deeper then hip hop music.

Things I don’t understand
• I understood the reading.

• Often the images in videos can have an impact on teenagers and how they feel about themselves. A lot like the media and the magazine add we looked at before.

• Have we really didn’t are search on hip hop? If so what did we find while searching this art form.