Monday, February 8, 2010

Kaima Dunbar

“Media literacy is the process of analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres and forms.” I’m not sure how advertisers put together these advertisements, but it seems like their intention is to not only sell the product but to control the minds of the viewers. Advertisements are everywhere; we are overwhelmed with all these messages the media is sending through ads everyday. Buy this, sell that, works faster, saves money, be beautiful, be thin, look cool, and media has different ways of sending these messages. “The physical separation of the races in the ultra segregated United States combines with seeming intimacy of MTV and videos to give a large field for adolescent fantasies of sex and violence” ( Roediger 89). This is just another form of marketing to teens, we get message from not only ads but music, videos, and are peers. There were so many ads out there with crazy intentions and misleading messages. Advertisements target every race, gender and class; advertising has no prejudice. It’s something we all need to be educated about, so we don’t fall into the hype. Jean Kilbourne identifies the problems in advertisement, hoping we take action as a nation.

With all the great Media Literacy available to us,why is it a big percentage of teens are not awear of the medias messages?