Monday, February 1, 2010

When i was 13.......

I sat in the back of the class with my head down on the desk, and my hands slowly sweating up. I attend an all white school; for three years of my life I felt like I didn’t belong. At lunch we (black students) made sure to always sit together we only identified our selves with blacks. I guess it was because we all shared the same culture? We felt like we was out number and that led us to isolating are selves. If that wasn’t enough to deal with I was also a “tomboy”, but somewhere between 8th grade and my freshmen year of high school the media played a big part of my life, I was now worried about what I looked like, and was now very aware of what I should look like, what is beautiful, and what I had to change about me. The summer before I started high school I did a total 360, the idea that magazines and the media was responsible for why I changed myself have played a big part of my life. Over the years, I have read and learned a lot about the media. I always felt like I needed to make a difference, to give young girls what I didn’t have growing up. My senor year of high school I started a movement the phenomenal women movement also known as P.M.W. I went through a 10 week peer education training to be able to run these groups. I put a lot of time and effort into making this project well planned and worth while. I feel by educating teens about nutrition, healthy weight and the importance of exercise, we can start to provide alternative models of what it means to be healthy and attractive.


Eva said...

ah the terrors of the all white school.
im from rural connecticut, so i know what you mean. i had the fortune of sharing the same race (atleast outwardly) as the majority of my school, and i took it upon myself to bring in some diversity by starting a Gay Straight Alliance there. Long story short is that though i was sucessful i had to "out" myself in the process and that set me apart from my peers and made the remaining years a delicate experience for me. I always love to hear about poeple that make a difference-and i'm also glad to hear that it sounds like you really like what you do! I guess all i really wanted to say is rock on!

Kaima-Dunbar said...

Thanks :-).. im glad to hear there's till people that stand for what they believe in! sometimes i wish i would have stayed their and changed my experience. i ended up changing schools i ended up at a very diverse school and I LOVED IT!

Kelsey Morris said...

I can't even imagine how it felt for you to attend an all white school. I attended a school that had about 50% colored people and 50% white people, and everyone got along since it was so intermixed. It's crazy how close our schools probably are, but how different they are at the same time. Also, PMW sounds awesome!

Kaima-Dunbar said...

Hey Kelsey!!! your school sounds GREAT im all for intermixed.. and PMW was awesome i got so close to those girls i didnt want to leave the school ..lolz thanks girl see u in class :)